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The growing industry of FinTech is attracting more and more investors by the day. Click here to learn about 5 reasons why people want to invest in FinTech.

Technology has undoubtedly disrupted the financial industry in a pretty major way. What was once a several thousand dollar industry is growing faster than ever, with an expectancy of reaching 291 million users in the United States alone. Globally, the industry has already reached billions.

But what exactly is it about financial technology that people seem to love and should you do the same? Here are five reasons people are clamoring to invest in FinTech.

1. It’s a Diverse Industry

When people choose to invest in FinTech, they’re opening themselves up to tons of options. See, financial technology can encompass tons of different businesses.

From mobile payments to banking to wealth management and financing, there are tons of avenues for investors to explore. Best of all, there’s little reason why one has to stick to one venture.

The FinTech industry isn’t a realm where one has to place all of their eggs in one basket. Investors have tons of great options available to invest in.

2. Most FinTech Companies Are Start-Ups

Imagine going back in time and investing in Apple when it was Wozniak and Jobs working in a garage. Or investing in Facebook when it was little more than a college-wide networking site.

While you may not have a time machine, you do have the ability to invest in what may be the next big thing.

FinTech is still a new industry. As a result, most of the companies creating new opportunities are smaller start-ups. Investing in them may cost less, yet yield far higher results.

3. Cryptocurrencies are More Popular Than Ever

If you’ve followed the news lately, you’ve probably heard that cryptocurrencies are quite the rage. These new forms of currency, like the ever-popular BitCoin, are causing a massive disruption.

Admittedly, it’s a volatile market, but it’s quickly gaining sustainability among investors. BitCoin, in particular, is expected to see tremendous growth in the coming months.

To fill a market need, companies have started incorporating cryptocurrencies into their plans. Be it buying and selling via apps or accepting payment for goods, it’s clear that digital currency isn’t going anywhere.

Investors would do quite well to invest in FinTech with an interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain development.

4. It Fosters Competition

If nothing else, new industries are always great for fostering competition. And FinTech is certainly no exception.

Given its attractiveness to start-ups, virtually anyone anywhere can create disruptive FinTech software. As a result, the industry is beginning to see global competitions that are unprecedented.

By investing in FinTech, an investor isn’t only investing in a product, they’re investing in the spirit of entrepreneurship and competition.

5. FinTech Is only Going to Grow

Most importantly, the FinTech industry clearly isn’t going anywhere. It’s only going to improve from here, especially given the widespread use of mobile technologies like apps.

The financial tech industry is only expected to grow from here, so investors would do well to invest soon.

Want to Invest in FinTech?

Are you and your business considering investing in financial technologies or even creating your very own app? Then get in touch with Ionixx today.

With three locations around the globe, we’re sure that we have services that can help you meet your goals. So contact us today and see how you can invest in an exciting future.