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FinTech startups are popping up everywhere these days. Click here to learn about FinTech’s 7 top startups that you need to know about.

The worldwide economy has always relied on the ingenuity, innovation, and bright ideas of individuals. Entrepreneurs build foundations on their forward-thinking sensibilities.

Surprisingly, over 50% of new businesses fail within the first four years. There are 3 industries most likely to remain in business after four years. They are real estate, insurance, and finance.

FinTech — the financial technology industry — is a growing venture. Many startups are braving the FinTech waters. It’s because of the massive potential for growth the industry offers.

Let’s take a look at some of the top startups influencing the financial technology realm.

Top Startups to Watch in 2018

FinTech startup companies that you should pay attention to are:

1) Ethereum

You’ve heard of Bitcoin? Ethereum is one of the top startups in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain. Their public, transparent, and decentralized platform allows the creation of peer-to-peer smart contracts. If you believe the hype — which you should — this is the direction the exchange of digital currency and ideas is going.

2) Stash

A new startup in the stock exchange niche with a focus on EFTs (exchange-traded funds), this investment advisor company offers portfolio building to smaller investors. You can open an account with as little as $5.

3) Venmo

Venmo facilitates the transfer of money from one individual to another. The transactions through their mobile app are simple and secure. They make it possible for people without access to mobile banking to send or receive money.

4) Spare

On the cutting edge of mobile finance, Spare is one of the top startups combining iOS app technology with generosity. The app allows folks eating out to round up their receipt to the nearest dollar. The money is scraped and goes directly to help feed the hungry in New York.

5) CommonBond

Their model helps skilled and talented students fund a better education. Young professionals can borrow money for their education at reduced costs. CommonBond is one of the few startups using the “1-for-1” model to the student loan industry. For every loan funded, they also fund the entire education of a third-world country child.

6) TransferWise

“TransferWise is looking to use the internet to spark a digital revolution in current financial services.” This quote from the Financial Times says it all. The company makes it possible for consumers to transfer money abroad. Without the hefty (and oft-hidden) fees charged by banks.

7) Bond Street Marketplace

Provides a simple, user-friendly loan application process for small businesses. Their aim is to make loans more accessible to small businesses. Entrepreneurs don’t have to jump through hoops or offer a first born as collateral.

Is FinTech for You?

E-commerce leads the way, opening up a true global economy. As this grows, the FinTech landscape continues to evolve. Another contributing factor is the number of people able to access mobile technologies. The possibilities in the financial industry seem endless.

Do you have an idea that is sure to add you to this list of top startups? Do you have the right partners to turn your idea into a FinTech reality?

Cutting-edge concepts need cutting-edge infrastructure to prevent new enterprises from becoming another statistic. (30% of startups fail due to managerial and overall inexperience.)

At Ionixx Technologies, we specialize in creating agile applications for startup companies. From mobile apps to cloud technology, we develop products on any platform in any language.

Our highly-skilled developers are waiting to help you break into the growing FinTech world. Contact us for a 30-minute free consultation today.