Ionixx Blogs

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Ionixx Technologies is seeking guest posts from industry experts, thought leaders, technologists with a flair for writing, and everyone who basically wants to share their two cents with the tech world on topics in the following areas:

UX and UI Design
Blockchain Tech and Development
Mobile and Web Application Design
Software Development

If this piques your interest, you are welcome to contribute to the Ionixx blog. Before you get started, here are the guidelines:

  • Pitch blog topic first with a one-paragraph description. Once approved, please ensure to submit original, plagiarism-free content that has not been published elsewhere, even on your own blog.
  • Word count and language preferences: 800 to 1200 words, US English, Conversational tone.
  • Guest blog content must be succinct, research-intensive, and audience-focused with adequate value add.
  • Please refrain from sending content marketing pieces or any content with a promotional intent.
  • Please ensure that you use trusted external references in the body of the blog post.
  • Only one link will be allowed in the author bio to your own social profile.
  • Please submit your guest blog articles in Word Doc format. Please include images as a separate attachment.
  • Make sure to send your guest post with images as we do not add images on our own (banner image should be in 1200*600 pixel).
  • Please be informed that your guest post submission blog article is subject to strong editorial review from our end and we reserve the right to make edits before publishing.

Please write to with your topic ideas.